Dataproc Metastore regions

When you create a Dataproc Metastore service, you permanently set a geographic location for your service to reside in, otherwise known as a region.

You can select from the following location types:

  • A region is a specific geographic place, such as São Paulo.
  • A custom-region (Preview) is a specific pair of regions, such as Iowa and South Carolina.
  • A multi-region is a large geographic area, such as the United States, that contains two or more geographic places.

Supported Dataproc Metastore features

The following table lists the Dataproc Metastore features that are supported by single region and multi-regional configurations.

Feature Single region Multi-region
Administrator Interface
Artifacts Cloud Storage bucket
Auxiliary versions
CMEK config
Database type Spanner/MySQL Spanner
Data Catalog sync
Endpoint protocol (Thrift/gRPC)
IAM policies on
individual tables/databases
Only supported on the gRPC protocol
Private Service Connect
Release channels
Scaling config

Single region services

Dataproc Metastore is available in the following regions. For more information about regions and zones, see Geography and regions.

Asia Pacific

Region description Region name
Taiwan asia-east1
Hong Kong asia-east2
Tokyo asia-northeast1
Seoul asia-northeast3
Mumbai asia-south1
Delhi asia-south2
Singapore asia-southeast1
Jakarta asia-southeast2
Sydney australia-southeast1
Melbourne australia-southeast2


Region description Region name
Warsaw europe-central2
Finland europe-north1
Madrid europe-southwest1
Belgium europe-west1
London europe-west2
Frankfurt europe-west3
Netherlands europe-west4
Zürich europe-west6
Milan europe-west8
Paris europe-west9
Turin europe-west12

Middle East

Region description Region name
Tel Aviv me-west1
Dammam me-central2

Dataproc Metastore services created in me-central2 can't be attached to Dataproc clusters.

North America

Region description Region name
Montréal northamerica-northeast1
Toronto northamerica-northeast2
Iowa us-central1
South Carolina us-east1
Northern Virginia us-east4
Columbus us-east5
Dallas us-south1
Oregon us-west1
Los Angeles us-west2
Salt Lake City us-west3
Las Vegas us-west4

South America

Region description Region name
São Paulo southamerica-east1
Santiago southamerica-west1

Multi-regional services

Dataproc Metastore is available in the following multi-regions.

Region description Region name
nam3 Northern Virginia: us-east4 and South Carolina: us-east1
nam7 Iowa: us-central1 and Northern Virginia: us-east4
nam10 Iowa: us-central1 and Salt Lake City: us-west3
nam11 Iowa: us-central1 and South Carolina: us-east1
eur3 Belgium: europe-west1 and Netherlands: europe-west4
eur5 Belgium: europe-west1 and London: europe-west2

Custom regions

Dataproc Metastore is available in the following predefined custom regions configurations.

Region description Region name
  • Iowa: us-central1 and South Carolina: us-east1
  • Oregon: us-west1 and South Carolina: us-east1
  • Iowa: us-central1 and South Carolina: us-east1

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