Date Changes
2025-02-11 Enhancement:
- Changed "inter_hostname" mapping from "principal.hostname" and "principal.asset.hostname" to "intermediary.hostname" and "intermediary.asset.hostname".
- Modified the Grok pattern to parse IP address to "intermediary.ip".
2025-01-23 Enhancement:
- Modified the Grok pattern to parse the unparsed logs.
2024-12-04 Enhancement:
- Modified "eventid" mapping from "metadata.product_log_id" to "security_result.rule_id".
- Modified "log_id" mapping from "additional_fields" to "metadata.product_log_id".
2024-11-13 Enhancement:
- Mapped "eventid" to "metadata.product_log_id".
- Moved "log_id" mapping from "metadata.product_log_id" to "additional_fields".
2023-02-16 Bug Fix
- Fixed the error when the target field is not set while generating event type "NETWORK_CONNECTION".
- Modified the code to handle addition errors found in testing.
2022-10-06 Enhancement - Added condition to Map "NodeId" to "principal.ip" when "Src" and "Dst" is empty.
2022-06-27 Enhancement - Following fields were added
Mapped "Action" to "security_result.action_details".
Mapped "AccElapsed" to "network.session_duration.seconds".
Mapped "Type" to "security_result.severity_details".
Mapped security_result.severity as "LOW" for "Type" having value "Notification".