Enabling manual load balancing mode

Google Distributed Cloud clusters can run with one of three load balancing modes: integrated, bundled, or manual. With integrated mode, Google Distributed Cloud uses the F5 BIG-IP load balancer. With bundled mode, Google Distributed Cloud provides and manages the load balancer. You do not have to get a license for a load balancer, and the amount of setup that you have to do is minimal. With manual mode, Google Distributed Cloud uses a different load balancer of your choice. Manual load balancing mode requires that you do more configuration than with integrated mode. This page describes the steps you need to take if you choose to use the manual load balancing mode.

The Citrix load balancer is an example load balancer that you could use with manual load balancing mode.

In this topic, you set aside IP addresses and nodePort values for later use. The idea is that you choose the IP addresses and nodePort values that you want to use for load balancing and for your cluster nodes. But you don't do anything with the addresses and nodePort values at this point. Later, when you are ready to create your clusters, you will need the addresses and nodePort values to fill in your admin cluster configuration file and your user cluster configuration file. You will also need the addresses and nodePort values when you manually configure your load balancer.

Setting aside node IP addresses

With manual load balancing mode, you cannot use DHCP. You must specify static IP addresses for your cluster nodes. You need to set aside enough addresses for the nodes in the admin cluster and the nodes in all the user clusters you intend to create. For details about how many node IP addresses to set aside, see Creating an admin cluster and Creating a user cluster.

Setting aside virtual IP addresses

Regardless of whether you use integrated, bundled or manual load balancing mode, you must set aside several virtual IP addresses (VIPs) that you intend to use for load balancing. These VIPs allow external clients to reach your Kubernetes API servers, your ingress service, and your add-on service for log integration.

Set aside the following VIPs:

  • VIP for the Kubernetes API server of the admin cluster. In the admin cluster configuration file, this is called controlPlaneVIP.

  • VIP for add-on service for log aggregation, which runs in the admin cluster. In the admin cluster configuration file, this is called addonsVIP.

  • For each user cluster you intend to create, a VIP for the Kubernetes API server of the user cluster. In the user cluster configuration file, this is called controlPlaneVIP.

  • For each user cluster you intend to create, a VIP for ingress service in the user cluster. In the user cluster configuration file, this is called ingressVIP.

Setting aside nodePort values

In Google Distributed Cloud, the Kubernetes API server, the ingress service, and the add-on service for log aggregation are exposed by Kubernetes Services. With manual load balancing mode, you must choose your own nodePort values for these Services. Choose values in the 30000 - 32767 range. After you choose your nodePort values, set them aside for later when you fill in your cluster configuration files.

Choose and set aside the following nodePort values.

  • For the VIP that you have set aside for the Kubernetes API server of the admin cluster, set aside one nodePort value.

  • For the VIP that you have set aside for the add-on service, set aside one nodePort value.

  • For each VIP that you have set aside for Kubernetes API servers of user clusters, set aside one nodePort value.

  • For each VIP that you have set aside for the ingress service of a user cluster, set aside two nodePort values: one for HTTP traffic and one for HTTPS traffic.

For example, suppose you intend to have an admin cluster and two user clusters. You would need to choose and set aside the following nodePort values:

  • A nodePort value for the Kubernetes API server of the admin cluster.

  • A nodePort value for add-on service in the admin cluster.

  • For each of two user clusters, a nodePort value for the Kubernetes API server.

  • For each of two user clusters, a nodePort value for HTTP traffic to the ingress service.

  • For each of two user clusters, a nodePort value for HTTPS traffic to the ingress service.

So in the preceding example, you would need to set aside eight nodePort values.

Filling in the cluster configuration files

Prepare a configuration file for your admin cluster and a configuration file for each of your user clusters.

In each cluster configuration file:

  • Set loadBalancer.kind to ManualLB.

  • Set network.ipMode to static.

  • Set network.ipBlockFilePath to the path of the IP block file for the cluster.

  • Update the loadBalancer.manualLB section with the nodePort values you have chosen for the cluster.

The following example shows a portion of a user cluster configuration file:

    type: static
    ipBlockFilePath: "ipblock1.yaml"
  kind: ManualLB
    ingressHTTPNodePort: 30243
    ingressHTTPSNodePort: 30879
    konnectivityServerNodePort: 30563
    controlPlaneNodePort: 30562

Configure your load balancer

Admin cluster

In your admin cluster configuration file, you filled in the following:

  • loadBalancer.vips.controlPlaneVIP
  • loadBalancer.vips.addonsVIP
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.controlPlaneNodePort
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.addonsNodePort
  • network.ipMode.ipBlockFilePath

In the IP Block file for your admin cluster, you filled in a list of static IP addresses to use for your admin cluster nodes.

Use your load balancer's management console or tools to configure the following mappings in your load balancer. How you do this depends on your load balancer:

  • (controlPlaneVIP:443) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:controlPlaneNodePort)

  • (addonsVIP:8443) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:addonsNodewPort)

User cluster

In your user cluster configuration files, you filled in the following:

  • loadBalancer.vips.controlPlaneVIP
  • loadBalancer.vips.ingressVIP
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.controlPlaneNodePort
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.konnectivityServerNodePort
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.ingressHTTPNodePort
  • loadBalancer.manualLB.ingressHTTPSNodePort
  • network.ipMode.ipBlockFilePath

In the IP Block file for your user cluster, you filled in a list of static IP addresses to use for your user cluster nodes.

Use your load balancer's management console or tools to configure the following mappings in your load balancer. How you do this depends on your load balancer:

  • (controlPlaneVIP:443) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:controlPlaneNodePort)

  • (controlPlaneVIP:8132) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:konnectivityServerNodePort)

  • (ingressVIP:80) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:ingressHTTPNodePort)

  • (ingressVIP:443) -> (NODE_IP_ADDRESSES:ingressHTTPSNodePort)

In addition to the preceding requirements, we recommend you configure the load balancer to reset client connections when it detects a backend node failure. Without this configuration, clients of the Kubernetes API server can stop responding for several minutes when a server instance goes down, which can cause instability in the Kubernetes control plane.

  • With F5 BIG-IP, this setting is called Action On Service Down in the backend pool configuration page.
  • With HAProxy, this setting is called on-marked-down shutdown-sessions in the backend server configuration.
  • If you are using a different load balancer, you should consult the documentation to find the equivalent setting.

Getting support for manual load balancing

Google does not provide support for load balancers configured using manual load balancing mode. If you encounter issues with the load balancer, reach out to the load balancer's vendor.

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