Automating the classification of data uploaded to Cloud Storage

This tutorial shows how to implement an automated data quarantine and classification system using Cloud Storage and other Google Cloud products. The tutorial assumes that you are familiar with Google Cloud and basic shell programming.

In every organization, data protection officers like you face an ever-increasing amount of data, data that must be protected and treated appropriately. Quarantining and classifying that data can be complicated and time consuming, especially given hundreds or thousands of files a day.

What if you could take each file, upload it to a quarantine location, and have it automatically classified and moved to the appropriate location based on the classification result? This tutorial shows you how to implement such a system by using Cloud Run functions, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Data Loss Prevention.


  • Create Cloud Storage buckets to be used as part of the quarantine and classification pipeline.
  • Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription to notify you when file processing is completed.
  • Create a simple Cloud Function that invokes the DLP API when files are uploaded.
  • Upload some sample files to the quarantine bucket to invoke the Cloud Function. The function uses the DLP API to inspect and classify the files and move them to the appropriate bucket.


This tutorial uses billable Google Cloud components, including:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Run functions
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention

You can use the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Cloud Run functions, Cloud Storage,Cloud Build Cloud Build, and Cloud Data Loss Prevention APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  6. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  7. Enable the Cloud Run functions, Cloud Storage,Cloud Build Cloud Build, and Cloud Data Loss Prevention APIs.

    Enable the APIs

Granting permissions to service accounts

Your first step is to grant permissions to two service accounts: the Cloud Run functions service account and the Cloud DLP service account.

Grant permissions to the App Engine default service account

  1. In the Google Cloud console, open the IAM & Admin page and select the project you created:

    Go to IAM

  2. Locate the App Engine service account. This account has the format [PROJECT_ID] Replace [PROJECT_ID] with your project ID.

  3. Select the edit icon next to the service account.

  4. Add the following roles:

    • Cloud DLP > DLP Administrator
    • DLP API Service Agent (you must filter for this role to locate it)
  5. Click Save.

Grant permissions to the Sensitive Data Protection service account

The Cloud DLP Service Agent is created the first time it is needed.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create the Cloud DLP Service Agent by making a call to InspectContent:

    curl --request POST 
    --header "X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_ID"
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
    --header 'Accept: application/json'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --data '{"item":{"value":""}}'

    Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, open the IAM & Admin page and select the project you created:

    Go to IAM

  3. Select the include Google-provided role grants checkbox

  4. Locate the Cloud DLP Service Agent service account. This account has the format service-[PROJECT_NUMBER] Replace [PROJECT_NUMBER] with your project number.

  5. Select the edit icon next to the service account.

  6. Add the role Project > Viewer, and then click Save.

Building the quarantine and classification pipeline

In this section, you build the quarantine and classification pipeline shown in the following diagram.

Quarantine and classification workflow

The numbers in this pipeline correspond to these steps:

  1. You upload files to Cloud Storage.
  2. You invoke a Cloud Function.
  3. Cloud DLP inspects and classifies the data.
  4. The file is moved to the appropriate bucket.

Create Cloud Storage buckets

Following the guidance outlined in the bucket naming guidelines, create three uniquely named buckets, which you use throughout this tutorial:

  • Bucket 1: Replace [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET] with a unique name.
  • Bucket 2: Replace [YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET] with a unique name.
  • Bucket 3: Replace [YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET] with a unique name.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, open the Cloud Storage browser:

    Go to Cloud Storage

  2. Click Create bucket.

  3. In the Bucket name text box, enter the name you selected for [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET], and then click Create.



  1. Open Cloud Shell:

    Go to Cloud Shell

  2. Create three buckets using the following commands:

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://[YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET]
    gcloud storage buckets create gs://[YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]
    gcloud storage buckets create gs://[YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]

Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription


  1. Open the Pub/Sub Topics page:

    Go to Pub/Sub topics

  2. Click Create topic.

  3. In the text box enter a topic name.

  4. Select the Add a default subscription check box.

  5. Click Create Topic.


  1. Open Cloud Shell:

    Go to Cloud Shell

  2. Create a topic, replacing [PUB/SUB_TOPIC] with a name of your choosing:

    gcloud pubsub topics create [PUB/SUB_TOPIC]
  3. Create a subscription, replacing [PUB/SUB_SUBSCRIPTION] with a name of your choosing:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions create [PUB/SUB_SUBSCRIPTION] --topic [PUB/SUB_TOPIC]

Create the Cloud Run functions

This section steps through deploying the Python script containing the following two Cloud Run functions:

  • A function that is invoked when an object is uploaded to Cloud Storage.
  • A function that is invoked when a message is received in the Pub/Sub queue.

The Python script that you use to complete this tutorial is contained in a GitHub repository To create the first Cloud Function, you must enable the correct APIs.

To enable the APIs, do the following:

  • If you are working in the console, when you click Create function, you will see a guide on how to enable the APIs that you need to use Cloud Functions.
  • If you are working in gcloud CLI, you must manually enable the following APIs:
    • Artifact Registry API
    • Eventarc API
    • Cloud Run Admin API

Creating the first function


  1. Open the Cloud Run functions Overview page:

    Go to Cloud Run functions

  2. Select the project for which you enabled Cloud Run functions.

  3. Click Create function.

  4. In the Function name box, replace the default name with create_DLP_job.

  5. In the Trigger field, select Cloud Storage.

  6. In Event type field select Finalize/Create.

  7. In the Bucket field, click browse, select your quarantine bucket by highlighting the bucket in the drop-down list, and then click Select.

  8. Click Save

  9. Click Next

  10. Under Runtime, select Python 3.7.

  11. Under Source code, check Inline editor.

  12. Replace the text in the box with the contents of the following file

    Replace the following:

    • [PROJECT_ID_DLP_JOB & TOPIC]: the project ID that is hosting your Cloud Run function and Pub/Sub topic.
    • [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET] the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to .
    • [YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be moving sensitive files to.
    • [YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to.
    • [PUB/SUB_TOPIC]: the name of the Pub/Sub topic that you created earlier.
  13. In the Entry point text box, replace the default text with the following: create_DLP_job.

  14. Replace the text in the requirements.txt text box with the contents of the following file:

  15. Click Deploy.

    A green checkmark beside the function indicates a successful deployment.

    successful deployment


  1. Open a Cloud Shell session and clone the GitHub repository that contains the code and some sample data files:

    OPEN IN Cloud Shell

  2. Change directories to the folder the repository has been cloned to:

    cd ~dlp-cloud-functions-tutorials/gcs-dlp-classification-python/
  3. Make the following replacements in the file

    • [PROJECT_ID_DLP_JOB & TOPIC]: the project ID that is hosting your Cloud Run function and Pub/Sub topic.
    • [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to .
    • [YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be moving sensitive files to.
    • [YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to.
    • [PUB/SUB_TOPIC: the name of the Pub/Sub topic that you created earlier.
  4. Deploy the function, replacing [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET] with your bucket name:

    gcloud functions deploy create_DLP_job --runtime python37 \
        --trigger-resource [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET] \
  5. Validate that the function has successfully deployed:

    gcloud functions describe create_DLP_job

    A successful deployment is indicated by a ready status similar to the following:

    status:  READY
    timeout:  60s

When the Cloud Function has successfully deployed, continue to the next section to create the second Cloud Function.

Creating the second function


  1. Open the Cloud Run functions Overview page:

    GO TO THE Cloud Run functions OVERVIEW PAGE

  2. Select the project for which you enabled Cloud Run functions.

  3. Click Create function.

  4. In the Function Name box, replace the default name with resolve_DLP.

  5. In the Trigger field, select Pub/Sub.

  6. In the Select a Cloud Pub/Sub Topic field, search for the Pub/Sub topic you created earlier.

  7. Click Save

  8. Click Next

  9. Under Runtime, select Python 3.7.

  10. Under Source code, select Inline editor.

  11. In the Entry point text box, replace the default text with resolve_DLP.

  12. Replace the text in the box with the contents of the following file: Make the following replacements

    • [PROJECT_ID_DLP_JOB & TOPIC]: the project ID that is hosting your Cloud Run function and Pub/Sub topic.
    • [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to .
    • [YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be moving sensitive files to.
    • [YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to.
    • [PUB/SUB_TOPIC: the name of the Pub/Sub topic that you created earlier.
  13. Click Deploy.

    A green checkmark beside the function indicates a successful deployment.

    successful deployment


  1. Open (or reopen) a Cloud Shell session and clone the GitHub repository that contains the code and some sample data files:

    OPEN IN Cloud Shell

  2. Change directories to the folder with the Python code:

    cd gcs-dlp-classification-python/

  3. Make the following replacements in the file:

    • [PROJECT_ID_DLP_JOB & TOPIC]: the project ID that is hosting your Cloud Run function and Pub/Sub topic.
    • [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to.
    • [YOUR_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be moving sensitive files to.
    • [YOUR_NON_SENSITIVE_DATA_BUCKET]: the name of the bucket you will be uploading the files to be processed to.
    • [PUB/SUB_TOPIC: the name of the Pub/Sub topic that you created earlier.
  4. Deploy the function, replacing [PUB/SUB_TOPIC] with your Pub/Sub topic:

    gcloud functions deploy resolve_DLP --runtime python37 --trigger-topic [PUB/SUB_TOPIC]
  5. Validate that the function has successfully deployed:

    gcloud functions describe resolve_DLP

    A successful deployment is indicated by a ready status similar to the following:

    status:  READY
    timeout:  60s

When the Cloud Function has successfully deployed, continue to the next section.

Upload sample files to the quarantine bucket

The GitHub repository associated with this article includes sample data files. The folder contains some files that have sensitive data and other files that have nonsensitive data. Sensitive data is classified as containing one or more of the following INFO_TYPES values:


The data types that are used to classify the sample files are defined in the INFO_TYPES constant in the file, which is initially set to 'FIRST_NAME,PHONE_NUMBER,EMAIL_ADDRESS,US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER'.

  1. If you have not already cloned the repository, open Cloud Shell and clone the GitHub repository that contains the code and some sample data files:

    OPEN IN Cloud Shell

  2. Change folders to the sample data files:

    cd ~/dlp-cloud-functions-tutorials/sample_data/
  3. Copy the sample data files to the quarantine bucket by using the cp command, replacing [YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET] with the name of your quarantine bucket:

    gcloud storage cp * gs://[YOUR_QUARANTINE_BUCKET]/

    Cloud DLP inspects and classifies each file uploaded to the quarantine bucket and moves it to the appropriate target bucket based on its classification.

  4. In the Cloud Storage console, open the Storage Browser page:

    GO TO Cloud Storage BROWSER

  5. Select one of the target buckets that you created earlier and review the uploaded files. Also review the other buckets that you created.

Clean up

After you finish the tutorial, you can clean up the resources that you created so that they stop using quota and incurring charges. The following sections describe how to delete or turn off these resources.

Delete the project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

What's next