Modify resources during restoration (deprecated)

This page describes how to make modifications to Kubernetes resources during the restoration process.


There are several reasons why you might want to modify Kubernetes resources as part of the restore process. For example:

  • You may want to provision PVCs using a different storage provisioner (for example, move from the Kubernetes in-tree driver to the CSI driver).

  • You may want to restore a namespace under a different name.

  • You may want to change a replica count in a Deployment or StatefulSet.

Backup for GKE provides a mechanism for doing this called substitution rules which you may optionally define as part of a RestorePlan.

A substitution rule is a set of matching criteria specified together with a replacement field value. You can use substitution rules in the restore process as follows:

  1. First, Backup for GKE computes the set of resources to restore, based on the scope parameters in the restore configuration (for example: namespaces, group/kinds, etc.)

  2. Backup for GKE evaluates each resource selected for restore against the ordered list of substitution rules. If a rule matches the resource, the resource is updated with the substituted field value. All resources are matched against all rules, and the same resource may potentially have multiple substitutions performed against it.

  3. After all the rules have been evaluated, Backup for GKE creates the resulting set of resources in the target cluster.

Substitution rule parameters

To define a substitution rule, you provide the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description
targetNamespaces optional This is a list of namespaces. For a resource to match this rule, it must be a namespaced resource and have one of the given namespaces:
  • If nothing is provided for this parameter, then all resources will match (all namespaced and cluster-scoped resources).
  • If an empty string ("") is provided, then it will match only cluster-scoped resources. In the Google Cloud console, you can check Exclude namespaced resources to set the list to a single empty string.
targetGroupKinds optional This is a list of Kubernetes resource group/kind tuples:
  • If nothing is provided for this parameter, then all resources will match (no restrictions based on group/kind).
  • If one or more group/kinds is supplied, then resources must match one of them in order to match the rule.
targetJsonPath required This is a JSONPath expression that is matched against resources. Note that this rule not only matches the resource, it also matches a specific attribute in the resource.
originalValuePattern optional This is a regular expression that is matched against the current value of the attribute. If not supplied, then the attribute will always match.
newValue required This is the new value to use for the matched attribute value.

To learn more about defining substitution rules in the Google Cloud console, see Plan a set of restores.

To define substitution rules using the gcloud CLI, create a file containing a YAML array of substitutionRules and include the --substitution-rules-file= parameter to the gcloud beta container backup-restore restore-plans create command.

Substitution rule examples

The following examples are provided in the YAML format used by the gcloud CLI.

Change StorageClass

In this example, we change the StorageClass in all restored PersistentVolumeClaim resources from standard to premium-rwo:

- targetGroupKinds:
  - resourceGroup: ''
    resourceKind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  targetJsonPath: "{..storageClassName}"
  originalValuePattern: standard
  newValue: premium-rwo

Clone Namespace

In this example, we clone a namespace from alpha to beta—creating a new namespace "beta" and restoring all of the resources from "alpha" into the new "beta" namespace. Note that this examples requires two substitution rules—one for the namespace itself, and one for the resources within the namespace.

- targetNamespaces:
  - ''
  - resourceGroup: ''
    resourceKind: Namespace
  targetJsonPath: "{}"
  originalValuePattern: alpha
  newValue: beta
- targetNamespaces:
  - alpha
  targetJsonPath: "{.metadata.namespace}"
  originalValuePattern: alpha
  newValue: beta

Change StorageClass and replica count in a cloned namespace

In this example, we clone a namespace, and then apply a set of changes to the resources in the new namespace:

  • Change the StorageClass on PVCs from standard to premium-rwo

  • Change the replica count on Deployments from 7 to 3

- targetNamespaces:
  - ''
  - resourceGroup: ''
    resourceKind: Namespace
  targetJsonPath: "{}"
  originalValuePattern: alpha
  newValue: beta
- targetNamespaces:
  - alpha
  targetJsonPath: "{.metadata.namespace}"
  originalValuePattern: alpha
  newValue: beta
- targetNamespaces:
  - beta
  - resourceGroup: ''
    resourceKind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  targetJsonPath: "{..storageClassName}"
  originalValuePattern: standard
  newValue: premium-rwo
- targetNamespaces:
  - beta
  - resourceGroup: apps
    resourceKind: Deployment
  targetJsonPath: "{$.spec.replicas}"
  originalValuePattern: '7'
  newValue: '3'